Woodland Dreams
To Mom and Dad—for Tahoe summers, nature hikes, and wildflower bouquets. For finding immeasurable joy in life’s small moments.
To all wildlife.
Text copyright © 2020 by Karen Jameson.
Illustrations copyright © 2020 by Marc Boutavant.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available.
ISBN 978-1-4521-7063-3 (hc)
ISBN 978-1-4521-7070-1 (epub2)
ISBN 978-1-4521-7356-6 (epub3)
ISBN 978-1-4521-7355-9 (kindle)
Design by Amelia Mack.
Typeset in Goldenbook.
Chronicle Books LLC
680 Second Street
San Francisco, California 94107
Come home, Big Paws.
Berry picker
Honey trickster
Shadows deepen in the glen.
Lumber back inside your den.
Come home, Velvet Nose.
Antlered swimmer
Pond-weed skimmer
Daylight’s fleeting—wade ashore.
Bed down in the great outdoors.
Come home, Tiny Hooves.
Wide-eyed runner
Spotted sunner
Evening’s sounding. Scurry! Rush.
Safely nap in wooded brush.
Come home, Swift Legs.
Furry schemer
Red-tailed dreamer
Night wind’s blowing. Trot this way.
Mountain den’s your hideaway.
Come home, Long Ears.
Meadow hopper
Clover cropper
Twilight whispers. Time to furrow.
Curl up tight inside your burrow.
Come home, Shiny Scales.
Wild-tail splasher
Cascade crasher
Air’s cooling close to shore.
Slow to rest on water’s floor.
Come home, Hard Shell.
Midday napper
Sudden snapper
Dusk’s upon us. Almost home.
Pull inside your comfy dome.
Come home, Strong Beak.
Woodland borer
Bug adorer
Darkness beckons. Take to flight.
Snooze in tree hole overnight.
Come home, Bushy Tail.
Tree-top dasher
Acorn stasher
Moon is rising. Scamper. Climb.
Doze in nook ’til morning time.
Come home, Painted Wings.
Nectar sipper
Dizzy dipper
Stars are twinkling. Flutter. Search.
Light upon your leafy perch.
This way, Small Boots.
Brave trailblazer
Bright stargazer
Cabin’s toasty. Blanket’s soft.
Snuggle deep in sleeping loft.
Every creature’s tucked in tight.
Woodland dreams swirl ’round tonight.
Karen Jameson is a children’s book author, poet, teacher, and literacy advocate. She lives and works in Southern California.
Marc Boutavant has illustrated a wide range of books and games, including AROUND THE WORLD WITH MOUK, BARKUS, the ALL ABOARD TRAIN PUZZLE, and the SKY-HIGH BUILDING PUZZLE. His work has also appeared in THE NEW YORK TIMES and THE NEW YORKER. He lives in Paris, France.
Karen Jameson, Woodland Dreams
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